Get a price by ID
Get a price by ID
Enter your API key in the format x-api-key <api-key>*
Path Parameters
Price ID
Amount stored in main currency units (e.g., dollars, not cents) For USD: 12.50 means $12.50
BillingPeriodCount is the count of the billing period ex 1, 3, 6, 12
Currency 3 digit ISO currency code in lowercase ex usd, eur, gbp
Description of the price
DisplayAmount is the formatted amount with currency symbol For USD: $12.50
FilterValues are the filter values for the price in case of usage based pricing
ID uuid identifier for the price
LookupKey used for looking up the price in the database
Metadata is a jsonb field for additional information
MeterID is the id of the meter for usage based pricing
PlanID is the id of the plan for plan based pricing
, deleted
, archived
Tiers are the tiers for the price when BillingModel is TIERED
Transform is the quantity transformation in case of PACKAGE billing model