Create subscription
Create a new subscription
Enter your API key in the format x-api-key <api-key>*
x > 1
BillingAnchor is the reference point that aligns future billing cycle dates. It sets the day of week for week intervals, the day of month for month and year intervals, and the month of year for year intervals. The timestamp is in UTC format.
BillingPeriodCount is the total number units of the billing period.
CancelAt is the date the subscription will be canceled
CancelAtPeriodEnd is whether the subscription was canceled at the end of the current period
CanceledAt is the date the subscription was canceled
Currency is the currency of the subscription in lowercase 3 digit ISO codes
CurrentPeriodEnd is the end of the current period that the subscription has been invoiced for. At the end of this period, a new invoice will be created.
CurrentPeriodStart is the end of the current period that the subscription has been invoiced for. At the end of this period, a new invoice will be created.
CustomerID is the identifier for the customer in our system
EndDate is the end date of the subscription
ID is the unique identifier for the subscription
LookupKey is the key used to lookup the subscription in our system
Metadata is a map of key-value pairs that can be attached to the subscription
PlanID is the identifier for the plan in our system
StartDate is the start date of the subscription
, deleted
, archived
TrialEnd is the end date of the trial period
TrialStart is the start date of the trial period
Version is used for optimistic locking